Antibiotics against nongrowing bacteria
Professor Tanel Tenson
University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
15th Of October 2024
14:00 in Estonian time
Room 2B27, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Kreutzwaldi 5, Tartu 51006
Registration is not needed
In-person Guest Lecture
Tanel Tenson
Professor of Antimicrobial Compounds Technology
Institute of Technology, University of Tartu
Tanel Tenson received his Bachelor's degree from the University of Tartu in 1992 and his Master's degree in 1994. His research focused on the mechanisms of bacterial protein synthesis and ribosome assembly. From 1994 to 1996, he visited the laboratory of Professor Alexander Mankin at the University of Illinois in Chicago, where he continued his research on the mechanisms of bacterial protein biosynthesis. Since the bacterial ribosome is one of the primary targets of antibiotics, the research also included studying the mechanisms of antibiotic action, with a focus on macrolides. He defended his PhD, based on research conducted in Chicago, at the University of Tartu in 1997.
Tanel completed his postdoctoral research at Uppsala University under Professor Måns Ehrenberg. His studies included the biochemistry, biophysics, and systems biology of antibiotic action. In 2003, he received funding from The Wellcome Trust to establish a research group at the University of Tartu. Since 2007, he has been a professor of antimicrobial compounds technology. From 2009 to 2015, Tanel led the Centre of Excellence in Chemical Biology, and from 2016 to 2023, the Centre of Excellence in Molecular Cell Engineering.
From 2012 to 2014, Tanel coordinated the national program for monitoring the transmission pathways of antibiotic resistance. The AMR-RITA project, which Tanel led from 2019 to 2022, focused on identifying monitoring and control strategies for antibiotic resistance. These projects approached antibiotic resistance from a One Health perspective, encompassing human medicine, veterinary medicine, food safety, and environmental aspects.
Tanel Tenson
Antimikroobsete ühendite tehnoloogia professor
Tartu Ülikooli Tehnoloogiainstituut
Tanel Tenson omandas Tartu Ülikoolis bakalaureusekraadi 1992. aastal ja magistrikraadi 1994. aastal. Uurimistöö keskendus bakterivalkude sünteesi ja ribosoomide kokkupakkimise mehhanismidele. Aastatel 1994–1996 külastas ta Chicagos, Illinoisi Ülikoolis professor Alexander Mankin’i laboratooriumi. Seal jätkus teadustöö bakterivalkude biosünteesi mehhanismide alal. Bakteri ribosoom on antibiootikumide üks peamisi sihtmärke ja seetõttu hõlmasid uuringud ka antibiootikumide toimemehhanisme, keskendudes makroliididele. Ta kaitses Chicagos tehtud uurimistöö põhjal doktorikraadi Tartus 1997. aastal.
Tanel tegi järeldoktorantuuri Uppsala Ülikoolis professor Måns Ehrenberg’i juures. Uuringud hõlmasid antibiootikumide toime biokeemiat, biofüüsikat ja süsteembioloogiat. Ta sai 2003. aastal Tartu Ülikooli uurimisrühma loomiseks The Wellcome Trust’i rahastuse. Alates 2007. aastast on ta antimikroobsete ühendite tehnoloogia professor. Aastatel 2009–2015 juhtis Tanel Keemilise Bioloogia Tippkeskust ja aastatel 2016-2023 Molekulaarse Rakutehnoloogia Tippkeskust.
Aastatel 2012–2014 koordineeris Tanel riiklikku programmi antibiootikumiresistentsuse ülekandeteede jälgimiseks. Antibiootikumi resistentsuse seire ja ohjamise võimaluste tuvastamisele oli suunatud AMR-RITA projekt, mida Tanel juhtis aastatel 2019 – 2022. Need projektid lähenesid antibiootikumiresistentsusele Ühe Tervise vaatepunktist hõlmates inimmeditsiini, veterinaaria, toiduohutuse ja keskkonna aspektid.